High School Partnerships

Academic Initiatives Org Chart

博彩网站 offers various programs to help high school students earn college credits while in high school and get ahead on their educational journey. The maximum number of credits students can take varies by program, and eligibility is dependent on their high school of attendance and grade level. For clarity between programs please see the organizational chart above and overview of programs below.


Early College

Early College designated programs through the State of Massachusetts provide students with the opportunity to access college level coursework, while also gaining exposure to career pathways. Credits earned through early college programs are free to students.

Eligibility: Students in grades 9-12 enrolled at Veritas Prep Charter School, or Commerce Family of Schools which includes High School of Commerce, Discovery High School, Springfield Honors Academy, Rise Academy, and Emergence Academy
Cost: free
Outcomes: earn college credits and gain experience in career pathway
Maximum Credits: students have the opportunity to earn a minimum of 12 credits, or up to 60 credits
Funding: State of Massachusetts Early College Initiative 
Director: Melanie Laurin
Contact: earlycollege@davidegalliani.com

Career Connections Academy

The Career Connections Academy is a free program that gives high school students the opportunity to earn college credits while gaining experience in to high-demand industries.

Eligibility: sophomore, junior, and senior year students attending Veritas Prep Charter High School and West Springfield High School are eligible to apply.
Cost: free
Outcomes: earn college credits and gain experience in career pathway
Maximum Credits: approximately one-third of an associate's degree (or more)
Funding: Executive Office of Education
Director: Wesley Carter
Contact: whcarter2301@davidegalliani.com

Innovation Pathways

Eligibility: students attending Agawam High School, Phoenix Charter Academy, Springfield Conservatory of the Arts, or West Springfield High School
Cost: free
Outcomes: Complete specific career-focused courses, earn at least 6 transferable college courses, and gain a high-quality industry relevant internship, or complete a capstone project prior to graduation
Maximum Credits: Students typically earn up to 12 college credits with high achieving students earning as many as 36 credits.
Funding: MA Executive Office of Education
Contact: please contact your school admin or guidance department

Perkins Linkages

Eligibility: Chapter 74 Vocational and Technical High Schools; Putnam, Westfield Tech, CTEC, Chicopee Comp, Pathfinder, Smith Vocational/Agricultural, Holyoke High (Dean Campus), and Tantasqua
Cost: Books and supplies for students in dual enrollment
Outcomes: Ease the transition to college from high school through Dual enrollment; Program visits; Placement testing at high school; Articulated credits for high school work
Maximum Credits:  Dual Enrollment, up to 3 courses (one junior year and two senior year); Articulated credits vary by program
Funding: Carl D. Perkins Grant
Director: Pamela Westmoreland
Contact: pjwestmoreland@davidegalliani.com

College Now Dual Enrollment

College Now is a dual enrollment program that allows juniors and seniors attending Springfield Public Schools or Springfield Public Charter Schools to enroll in one "tuition free", credit bearing course per semester in the full Fall and Spring semesters. Courses offered through this program are Massachusetts Transfer Block courses.

Eligibility: Junior or senior year students with a minimum high school GPA of 2.0, attending Springfield Public Schools or Springfield Public Charter Schools
Cost: books, online book fees, lab fees, or any charges outside of tuition
Outcomes: earn college credits
Maximum Credits: one course per semester (full Fall and Spring semesters only)
Funding: 博彩网站 Funded
Director: Melanie Laurin
Contact: collegenow@davidegalliani.com

Gateway to College

Gateway to College supports students who have faced challenges in traditional high school settings by enabling them to complete their graduation requirements in our college-based program while simultaneously earning college credits. 

Eligibility: high school students, aged 16 to 20, residing in Springfield, MA who have encountered difficulties in traditional high school environments
Cost: free
Outcomes: earn a high school diploma and college credits
Maximum Credits:
varies depending on student's remaining high school course requirements, ranging from 3 to 42 credits
Funding: Springfield Public Schools
Director: Katara Robinson
Contact: gateway@davidegalliani.com

Want a partnership with your school?

If you are a potential student or family member please consult your guidance department or the appropriate contact listed above.